Dear collegues, This issue of our news letter appears with some delay, and we present you our apologies.We hope that you will find the contens sufficiently interesting, so as to be able to excuse us for this delay.
The summer school, announced in ILBA some time last winter has effecti-vely taken place. The editors of ILBA were not in the audience, but all the accounts “heard and read” are positive. In the following we have a short account of this summer school by a group of participants from Yugoslavia. The Second Odessa Astronomical Summer School for Young Scientists has been held from 13th to 16th august 2001. The following fields were represented: astronomy, astrophysics, astrobiology and astro-chemistry. We had the opportunity to attend the following lectures:
Beside these lectures, around 20 or so posters were represented by young scientists from east european countries. Also there was several discussions and a few very informative films about presented fields. The general impression is that the lectures were very interesting and usefull for everybody present at the school. The lectures gave a good insight about recent results in various fields. During the course of the school there was the possibility for establishing cooperation for everybody that has been ineterested in doing that. The hosts organized an excellent program which included receptions and banquet, visiting many monuments and places in Odessa like the famous Opera house, port, Potemkin’s stairs, university, all kind of museums and so on. Also it was organized boat tour alongside Odessa bay, and seeing ballet performance in Odessa Opera house. Seven students presented Yugoslavia at school, and professor Milan Dimitrijević from the Astronomical Observatory in Belgrade gave a lecture. Nemanja Martinović and Aleksandar Otašević
SOLAR PHYSICS The following announcement was released by the SOHO project.We reproduce it here for the benefit of those of our colleagues who are engaged in research in solar and/or plasma physics, and have not seen the announcement. FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT EUROCONFERENCE/IAU COLLOQUIUM 188 MAGNETIC COUPLING OF THE SOLAR ATMOSPHERE June 11-15, 2002 Santorini, Cyclades, Greece
An international conference on the "Magnetic Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere" is to be held on the Greek island, Santorini, on 11-15 June, 2002. This meeting is co-organised by the National Observatory of Athens (Greece) and the Max-Planck Institute fuer Aeronomie (Germany). The European Union and the IAU are co-sponsoring the meeting. The aim of the conference is to concentrate on the current knowledge about the central theme of solar physics, i.e., solar magnetism, and to try to synthesize, by an integrated approach, the great collection of observations and theories in order to get a holistic picture of the solar atmosphere. The programme is divided in four major sessions: Magnetic fields: In strumentation, observational techniques models, Dynamics and evolution of the magnetic fields, Magnetic fields and coupling through atmospheric structuring, Magnetic fields and coupling of the physical processes. A full session will be devoted to the presentation of future prospects. The topics have been chosen with the aim of maintaining a balance in the coverage of activities ranging from instrumentation and observing techniques, observations both from the ground and from space, methods for data analysis and interpretation, theoretical investigations, modelling and numerical simulations. Apart from the invited talks, oral presentations will be fed into the programme by the Scientific Organising Committee and time will be devoted to poster presentations. Anyone who would like to attend and join in the presentations and discussions is warmly invited and encouraged to do so. Young researchers, PHD students and post-doctorates are strongly encouraged to actively participate. EC funds are available to help young researchers (under 35) from countries belonging to the European Union (plus Iceland, Israel and Norway) to attend the meeting by covering their travel and accommodation expenses and registration fees. IAU funds are also available to full or partially cover the expenses of those with few or no other means of support. Participants interested in attending the meeting and also in contributing a paper (oral or poster) are invited to fill in the pre-registration form and the preliminary abstract submission form not later than December 10, 2001. Detailed information on the meeting including purpose and focus, scientific programme and invited speakers, pre-registration, T&A grant request and abstract submission forms can be found at:
THE NEXT BALKAN MEETING ILBA is the result of an idea launched at the Balkan Meeting of Young Astronomers, held in Belogradchik (Bulgaria) in September 2000. Preliminary consultations have begun about the possibility to organize the next meeting. For the moment (beginning november 2001) possibilites to organize it in either Greece or Bulgaria are being explored. No definite solution has emerged, but ILBA will keep you informed. A MEETING IN BELGRADE The Astronomical Observatory in Belgrade is organizing next year a meeting on the history of astronomical knowledge and research in Serbia.For details contact Mr.Edi Bon at or .
THE PROCEEDINGS FROM BELOGRADCHIK The proceedings of this meeting have been published,both in paper and CD form.They also exist on the web site of the Observatory in Belogradchik,which can be accessed through ,which is the site of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.When you enter this site,go to the “astronomy department”,and then to Belogradchik Observatory.
Paper: astro-ph/0109105 Paper: astro-ph/0108341 Paper (*cross-listing*): physics/0109072 Paper: astro-ph/0108267 Paper: astro-ph/0107242 Paper: astro-ph/0107303 Paper (*cross-listing*): quant-ph/0107070 V.Celebonovic : Pressure Excitation and Ionisation:a Simple One-Dimensional Example: Phys.Low-Dim.Struct.,7/8 pp.127-132 (2001) This paper is purely quantum mechanical,and at first sight is “out of place” in ILBA.However,its results were “long-missing” in previous of V.Celebonovic concerning planetary internal structure,and high pressure physics in general.
***** The editors,